This is an app for student and pupil. You can solve your math functions, homework, exercises und LEARN how to solve. This app demonstrate the solution of each exercise step by step. You can enter your mathematik homework or generate automatically an exercise and learn the solution way. The main aim of this app is to show you HOW to SOLVE an exercise.In this app you can learn to solve the following function (Mathmatics) types:Polynom, trigonometric functions (Sinus, Cosinus, Tangens, Cotangens, etc.), logarithmic functions (ln, log), exponential functions (e-Function), Hyperbolic functions, (Sinus hyperbolikus, etc.), rational functions.
This app compute and demonstrate the steps to solve each exercise in kurve sketching (function analysis), which contains the null point calculation, the extremes, inflection points, saddle points, monotony, symmetry, concavity.
This app contains an extra section for computing the derivations of all function types, so you can learn how to derivate a function step by step. You can enter your own exercise or homework or generate a function automaticaly.
Further extras in this app are:- Polynomial division: A student can enter any exercise, homework and execute the division of a polynomial function.Even here the app can generate automaticaly an exercise for you.
- fractional arithmetic- prime factorization- greatest common divisor- smallest common multiple
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